Investor Overview
Business Model, Update Reports And Valuation

Investor FAQs
+ How many employees does KOLOXO have?
Koloxo has approximately 65 employees globally for the moment, it is a growing system and it will reach to over 100 in the coming year of 2025.
+ When and where was KOLOXO incorporated?
KOLOXO (under the name of Factory to Client S.L.) was incorporated in SPAIN on March, 2015. On 2018 Koloxo became a BVI company under the name of KOLOXO GLOBAL SERVICES LTD.
+ How many shares are outstanding?
Total Preference shares: 1,000,000 shares (as at 01/01/2025).
+ How can I contact to buy shares?
E-mail: [email protected]
+ Can I interview someone from KOLOXO?
We receive a large number of requests for information, particularly in connection with student projects, and unfortunately we are not able to respond to each one individually. This web site, however, contains answers to many of the most commonly asked questions about KOLOXO, our employees, and our business. Additional information may be obtained by reading our information or contact us at [email protected]
+ Does Koloxo Global Services pay a dividend?
Koloxo does not expect to pay any cash dividends on its common stock in the foreseeable future. Koloxo currently intends to retain future earnings, if any, to finance the expansion of its business.
+ KOLOXO has a direct stock purchase plan?
Yes, Koloxo offers a direct stock purchase plan. You can contact us if you want to buy shares in Koloxo North America INC.
+ How can I contact KOLOXO Board of Directors directly?
You can contact Koloxo Board of Directors by sending an email to [email protected]
+ Who are the members of KOLOXO's Board of Directors?
The members of KOLOXO Board of Directors can be contacted at [email protected]